Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Am more and more convinced that a virus more virulent that the old swine flu is prevalent among teenagers - it is called 'lazy bug'. We couched it in many facets - procrastination, tiredness, err, not enough time, busy, etc but when truth be told many are found spending hours taking mindless quizzes on FB, on the basis that they need to de-stress.

What hope can we place in the future generation of doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, or God forbid, Prime Minister, who put personal comfort, fun, enjoyment above all else - hard work is definitely not in the top list of priority. Can one just sail through life without sweating it out? Will results and 'success' just drop into our laps, because we are born with silver spoon in our mouth?

This blog is not on a mission to 'shoot the teenagers'. It is an expression of concern over the state of being, how does one who is constantly bombarded with so much distractions keep his or her focus on what is important and and not on what is secondary? Indeed, wisdom beyond one's age is required. I was struck by the king in "The Kingdom of Heaven" how he led the army to war and prevailed over the enemy at the mere tender age of 16! What about our 18 year olds? Are they even rising to fight their internal battles against peer pressure, the weakness of the flesh, the deceitfulness of pleasure? It is a question best answered by each individual, you know your own weakness...

No offence

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