Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Some students I know recently had a big blast followed by punishment from their lecturer for locking her out of class. To the students it was a prank, for the fun of it apparently. For the lecturer who had been rushing up and down the whole morning trying to photocopy notes for the students, finding herself locked out is certainly not a joke.

The ringleader eventually apologised to the lecturer and explained that the class does the prank as of right, even to other lecturer, just that the door was opened in time for the other lecturer and hence no damage ensued. I really do wonder and seriously am worried, how come pre-university students can act like kindergarten kids? And yet, find the silly prank 'fun'? What has happened to our education system for producing such foolish creatures? At 18, teenagers in the 1940s or 1950s were already working and earning a living to help support their families or were enrolled in millitary exercises. How about ours?

Whatever the reason for doing what they did, I beg the students to GET A LIFE. Fill your time with more productive activities while waiting for your lecturer to get to class rather than playing with the door knob. Sigh!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Teenage Sex (Part 3)

The topic of sexual exploits seems to set teenagers ablaze, must be the raging hormones. One guy I know thinks that he is ready to lose his virginity by a certain date, because the opportunity may not come again. Hmmm, unless one is going to the monastry up in the high mountains where no other homo sapiens reside, at every turn temptation always rear its ugly head, how can 'opportunity' not present itself?

Many of course see losing one's virginity as 'growing up', becoming a man. What is a man? One who is willing to be responsible for one's actions, right? Does it take a man to resist temptation or to succumb to it?

The other guys I know think nothing of trying out their 'goods' before 'purchase' and in fact, what is the point of purchasing when you can have as many as possible for free - willing supplier and consumer? I posed the question about using women as merchandise and disposing of them when one is tired of the 'toy'. The defence is that girls now have the same attitude towards guys, so why not if both have nothing to lose?

Yes, why not? What does one have to lose? Maybe one may construe that "I am still young, nothing can touch me, not even HIV virus, my body is strong and invincible." Ok, maybe you can escape the whole range of STDs and be preserved physically, but emotionally and spiritually do you know what has transacted each time you sleep with a different partner, which is not apparent to the naked eye? No? Do you bother to find out?

Let's draw an analogy to having two pieces of white paper glued together, and after a few minutes trying to tear them apart, what happen? Will it be a clean tear? Can the papers regain their original form? Probably not huh since they have lost their virgin state? That's what is happening to the soul and spirit which have been intimately attached to another but torn apart thereafter. And one wonders why s/he can never find true love - the spirit man is not at rest having had too much 'experience' in the area best saved for the marriage bed.

Don't get me wrong, am not trying to generalise that all who have had sexual experience will not find true love ever. There are many out there who later turn around and are happily married thereafter, in faithfulness and loyalty to one partner, but does one ever forget the old memories? Sometimes, one may feel unworthy of having brought into the marriage something less than a wholesome person, or whatever is left after being 'tested' by many other partners. When arguments and fights break out, this issue may be brought up, like a thorn in the flesh.

Young men and women, why be like everyone else? Why not set yourselves apart, be different from the crowd, dare to refuse to conform to the pattern of premarital sex? You are YOU, not everyone else in the crowd.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Am more and more convinced that a virus more virulent that the old swine flu is prevalent among teenagers - it is called 'lazy bug'. We couched it in many facets - procrastination, tiredness, err, not enough time, busy, etc but when truth be told many are found spending hours taking mindless quizzes on FB, on the basis that they need to de-stress.

What hope can we place in the future generation of doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, or God forbid, Prime Minister, who put personal comfort, fun, enjoyment above all else - hard work is definitely not in the top list of priority. Can one just sail through life without sweating it out? Will results and 'success' just drop into our laps, because we are born with silver spoon in our mouth?

This blog is not on a mission to 'shoot the teenagers'. It is an expression of concern over the state of being, how does one who is constantly bombarded with so much distractions keep his or her focus on what is important and and not on what is secondary? Indeed, wisdom beyond one's age is required. I was struck by the king in "The Kingdom of Heaven" how he led the army to war and prevailed over the enemy at the mere tender age of 16! What about our 18 year olds? Are they even rising to fight their internal battles against peer pressure, the weakness of the flesh, the deceitfulness of pleasure? It is a question best answered by each individual, you know your own weakness...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's been a month since I last posted, and lots have been happening in my life - it has been turned upside down!

Anyway, enough about me, let's move on to focus on you.

A few characters I have observed in class which I find rather interesting:

(a) a girl who comes from an affluent family and seems to be struggling for acceptance, as she is very awkward socially. Recently, I realise the problem - she has been and I believe still is being subjected to abuse psychologically (if not physically) at home. I can't believe in this age and time there is still such rampant abuse by parents, but if sticks can't break your spirit, words CAN.

(b) another girl, who seems to me a Bimbo - pretty and all but I can't say much about intelligence. Baffles me how can one be so lacking in understanding of anything, having gone through 11 years of education in Malaysia (or could it be the reason why?). Again, I just found out that probably she has really short attention span and has not been listening at all in class, hence the apparent 'dumbness'.

(c) a boy this time, seemingly intelligent but has no regard whatsoever for the value of hard work, it's just not in his vocabulary. Probably born with a silver spoon in his mouth and thinks that life is to be enjoyed and work is for the less endowed. Whatever his motivation is, and whatever promises he has given his parents about wanting to change, and willingness to put in the effort, there is serious flaw in his lifestyle, as he is too easily lured away from hitting his books by a mere phone call, from even an acquaintance.

What is to be done for each individual above? Unless each wakes up and realise the need to change and is motivated to change from within (irrespective of their environment) what can outsiders do for them, even the most well intentioned ones? I must say that they have good friends who are looking out for them and wanting to help them (save the socially awkward one who has yet to be transparent about her need for help). Can they be helped? Will they be helped? Again, time will tell.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Value of Education?

Was at an Education Fair yesterday, browsing through the 'stalls' to see what colleges are offering. Interestingly, overheard some conversations:

father: no SPM can get into college ah?
counsellor: sorry sir, we need at least 5 credits?
father: pre-u cannot meh?
counsellor: no sir. It's a requirement set by the government.
father: so, no SPM how?
counsellor: maybe some private school may take the student in for O level...
father: ok la.

girl: errr, may I know what kind of degree can I do with just some principals for STPM?
counsellor: how about your SPM?
girl: 2As
counsellor: let's see what we can do
(consulted another counsellor)
: am sorry, but don't think you are suitable for any degree course with your STPM results. Maybe you can do a foundation course instead (which is equivalent or lesser than STPM by the way)? You definitely can get into foundation with your SPM results.
girl: oh ok, err how do I get a loan for foundation course?
counsellor: you can call this number, the person will be able to assist you.

The above conversations are reflective of what the society is chasing after these days - GRADES. Without any paper qualification, one seems not to be able to get ahead in life.
One bumiputra girl with 20A1s is now spoilt for choice - MARA and other institutions offering her scholarship for her pursuit of A level in London.
Some of the students at the Education Fair who came forward with beaming with pride, have 10A1s under their belt, and scholarships are being offered by colleges to these students, whether they need the 'help' or not.

After passing SPM with flying colors, what actually does happen to these students? Do they keep up their 'excellent' string of As or do they just melt into the background of colorful college life and let their grades fly?

Many students who came from renown kebangsaan school and are on scholarship, can hardly write an essay fit for A level. Assuming that they had A1 for SPM English and EST, their grammar is still at the elementary level, not anywhere near A level. It causes one to wonder how did these students score the way they did at SPM? Has something been compromised?
Can one continue to churn out essays that a 5-year-old has no difficulty writing even when one is about to enter into university? Is this an acceptable standard that our society is bearing with, as long as the person has good grades on paper?

Are we producing graduates who can barely speak English and who draft proposals and submissions using 'sms' or 'msn' English? Think about it and reflect whether you are fit to work upon graduation or do you need another 11 years of kebangsaan schooling system to regain your self worth (by the getting 30A1s probably) before joining the workforce?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Demonstration for language sake?

Read or watched with interest and 'amusement' the protesters who marched towards the Palace on Saturday afternoon (seems to fit within the meaning of 'procession' being a body of persons moving along a route). The reasons for their protest?
Science and Maths should not be taught in English as it threatens the sovereignty of the Malay language as the national language?
In any event, the teachers themselves are angry as they have not mastered the English language and hence are struggling with teaching the subjects in English?

Salute their bravery in coming forth to protest on an issue they feel strongly about but I can't help but marvel at how their dirty laundries are aired on national television - since one can't speak the language, one should stop others from learning in that language, and there is no need to improve oneself, but continue to languish in own foolishness? It is amazing that they would even think of coming forward to protest on such matters (being the 'mahasiswa' 'mahasiswi' of our nation, presumably the future leaders). Where is their shame in not being able to even mutter a few words in a universal language? Their defence being to preserve the Malay language? Hope they can stop dozing in their plush pillows of deception but wake up and smell the roses - there is no longer 'ketuanan Melayu' we are global society not just Malaysians!

God, save our nation. We are perishing in our mire of 'tidak apa-ness'.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

On blogs

It's been almost a month since I started on this blog journey. Been amazed at how much time people spend reading other people's blogs. We are all very interested in the lives of people but we have no time to really sit down and catch up. Hence could it be that accessing lives through blogs are replacing real life face to face chat?

No offence

Read at your own peril, offend not thy fragile heart