Saturday, March 7, 2009

Demonstration for language sake?

Read or watched with interest and 'amusement' the protesters who marched towards the Palace on Saturday afternoon (seems to fit within the meaning of 'procession' being a body of persons moving along a route). The reasons for their protest?
Science and Maths should not be taught in English as it threatens the sovereignty of the Malay language as the national language?
In any event, the teachers themselves are angry as they have not mastered the English language and hence are struggling with teaching the subjects in English?

Salute their bravery in coming forth to protest on an issue they feel strongly about but I can't help but marvel at how their dirty laundries are aired on national television - since one can't speak the language, one should stop others from learning in that language, and there is no need to improve oneself, but continue to languish in own foolishness? It is amazing that they would even think of coming forward to protest on such matters (being the 'mahasiswa' 'mahasiswi' of our nation, presumably the future leaders). Where is their shame in not being able to even mutter a few words in a universal language? Their defence being to preserve the Malay language? Hope they can stop dozing in their plush pillows of deception but wake up and smell the roses - there is no longer 'ketuanan Melayu' we are global society not just Malaysians!

God, save our nation. We are perishing in our mire of 'tidak apa-ness'.

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