Thursday, February 5, 2009

Childish vs Childlike

What is the difference between one who is childish and one who is childlike? Have you ever wondered?

According to the free online dictionary, childish is "marked by or indicating a lack of maturity" and can also mean "affected mentally by old age or senile".
On the other hand, it defines childlike as "like a child, for example in being innocent or trustful" often associated with simplicity.

So, what am I getting at, English lesson so early in the morning?


The above was triggered by a student blog that I viewed, the lass actually revealed her age, college, course, photo, interests, hobbies, and all other personal details which most adult would shy from for fear of intrusion into privacy.

I marvelled at the lass for her courage to reveal who she really is to the world, isn't it raw trust that people would not take advantage of her sincerity but befriend her for who she really is? Is that childlike or childish? I choose the former.

As the teenage years progress into adulthood, the pressures of life force many to lose the shine, the distinctive quality of being a child, which is the INNOCENCE. One become more and more skeptical, and start to view the world through jaded lenses. When a person says you are smart or beautiful, you will try to find the "shrimp behind the rock." What's with the flattery? What are you trying to get from me? Are you just saying it because I want to hear it?
Many begin to read into words and gestures of others.

I appeal to you as young adults, not to be marred by the wounds of adulthood, let the hurts, the bruises, the crippling encounters be stories of yesterday, not a baggage you carry late into life. Many an old person died with bitterness festering deep within.

Begin each day like a new born, with childlike innocence, expecting to see the world through a child's eyes, even the smallest wonders, be in awe of it. Pass it around, it infects even the most hardened soul. No sane person would resist love and kindness.

Bon Voyage!

1 comment:

  1. well one embraces each day, be it sulking in bitterness of the past, or the reverse, is within the power of a decision...


No offence

Read at your own peril, offend not thy fragile heart