Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do you remember the time...

Do you remember those times when :-
(a) parents or grandparents or nannies were the important people in our lives? If we lose sight of mom or dad or grandma or grandpa for a moment, we will wail our lungs out? Woe to me, if they decide to go outstation or to a relative's place overnight. I would be the most miserable creature on earth.
Nowadays, I wish they are out of my sight, or me out of their sight! That's why I dress in all black, in vain hope that the darkness would hide me.

(b) you believed everything mommy or daddy said and actually want to listen to their stories?
"Where do babies come from?"
"The stork brings them"
"Ooohh, ahhhh, can stork bring us one more?"
Now, I wish they would stop nagging at me and stop controlling my life!

(c) you wanted to be mommy or daddy's shadow and grow up to exactly like them?
Now, I wish I have a restraining order against my parents, especially from entering my room - can't they understand simple English e.g. "NO ENTRY". Don't come in under the pretext of picking up my socks. And please don't curse me that I look like mom or dad, I am nothing like them, I am cool!

It's amazing how once the age-ometer turns 13, teenagers suddenly developed profound wisdom and knowledge - I know more than my parents, I know exactly which boy or girl to date, I know very well how the computer works, but my parents need "Computing Handbook for Idiots", so don't tell me what to do.
And when teenagers drive a car they don't own, they suddenly developed great sense of direction and timing. I know exactly what time to come back at night, so why do you even set curfews for me, why do you stay up waiting, why do you ground me when I sneak in one minute past twelve? Don't you know that the parties only start after the clock strikes midnight? Don't you remember those Cinderella stories you used to read to me?

One lady once asked her son whether he would like to go dancing in a pub with mommy and he gave her a panicky look like "it'd be the ruin of my life, how can I ever face my friends again if they find out?" It's definitely not COOL to hang out with mommy or daddy, just give me the allowances, I will fend for myself out there.

Redeeming grace - I know one boy who is best of buddies with his dad. I know one girl whose best friend is her mom.

All is not lost.

1 comment:

No offence

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