Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Teenage Sex

"Too much television, low self-esteem, disappointing grades and poor family relationships can be a formula that adds up to early teenage sex, according to a new study."

It is alarming how Malaysian teens are sexually active as young as 10. Can we really blame it on the idiot box, the infiltrating influence from the big bad Western world, or should we do some soul searching - is the family tie strong enough to keep the children rooted in traditional values or are parents the role models of extreme liberties themselves? Can we attribute teen sex to absent parents, peer pressure, romance novels, and a host of other "blameables"? I don't have the answer but I do believe that each person has a choice, the easy excuse of "I can't help it" is a lame way of exculpating self from any responsibility.

Those who reserve their bodies for their life partner are seen as outdated, old fashioned, the odd one out. It's innate in our human minds to want to belong, hence naturally we may compromise to be accepted. Should this rare minority of teenagers be ostracised and criticised, or should they be applauded as the last bastion of purity and courage?

It takes a boy to do what everyone else is doing, but it takes a man to stand up to the pressure and defy the social norm. Should one control his or her body, or should the body (and all attendant carnal appetite) dictate one's destiny? "So what if I lose my virginity? It's just a piece of hymen," I heard a girl once said.

Is it surprising that young people do not see their bodies as more than mere sexual objects to be abused (aka enjoyed) and discarded (aka variety of partners)? It is interesting or appalling that a teenage girl who is sitting for her A levels exams in June is expecting her baby in March, hence some of her lecturers are giving her extra lessons to finish the syllabus before she delivers. Being a nosey person by nature, I asked how on earth is she going to sit for her exams in her post natal stage and probably struggling with a wailing baby at home? The answer from the lecturers: "Is it our problem, considering we have done all we can for her, it's her choice."

I ask teenagers out there, are you ready for the responsibility of parenthood at such tender age when you are still grappling with the uncertainty of own identity - am I a child or an adult? Easy, abortion whether back street or "front door"is easily available at a cost, otherwise putting the baby up for adoption is a no-guilt solution. IS IT? Can a mother who abort her baby really feel no remorse or suffer no tug at her conscience? Will she really not yearn for the life living inside her for 9 months, once she parts with the baby? Check out "August Rush" - brilliant movie.

"Ah, it's the girls' problem to deal with the unwanted babies. I am a virile young man so I shall not deny the ladies the pleasure," says the boy who believes that he is God's gift to mankind and hence should deposit his seed at every opportunity. Don't wish you harm, but STD or HIV can easily catch up with your lifestyle, no matter how 'protected' your sexual conquests may have been. You sow what you reap - you can deny it but you can't run from it.

Decision lies in your hands, one blog post may not change your fixated view on the issue, but time will tell whether your choice is wise...


  1. this may go back to the question of: What do you view your body as? A mere shell to house your organs (or what not), and hence the carelessness or care-free-ness in its regard? Or perhaps an abode only for the Sacred and hence the carefulness and the protectiveness in its guardance?

  2. wow, excellent! you said it better than I can ever put it. Agree! Agree!

  3. yeah i agree with ur point of view :)

    but i also don't think that staying a virgin is old fashion. Even if it is, don't you think men would want to bring home an untouched future bride to meet his mother? hell yeah they do ...

    It looks like to me, men in time still wud go back to the old fashioned way :)

  4. Thanks Felicia, exactly my sentiment (which I forgot to mention) that men would normally deflower those they don't really want to marry but will want the pure as their bride - double standard.


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